
老虎爪子 (Personal Academic Writing Space) showcases student work consisting of writing in 英语和西班牙语 and artwork published in print and online forms at the end of the fall and spring semesters. SPC students are encouraged to submit their writing and artwork for publication consideration. 类别包括:

  • 短篇小说(1000字的限制)
  • Non-fiction (essays, journals, etc. 1000字的限制)
  • 文学批评论文集(1200字的限制)
  • 诗歌
  • 摄影
  • Fine Art (drawings, paintings, sculptures, collages, etc.)
  • 数字艺术


学生提交 must be original, unpublished work. Written works will be submitted to Turnitin.com. Students must certify that the work is their original composition, poem, photograph, or artwork.

Students may submit a total of five (5) works的 submission deadline is Sunday, October 6, 2024. Files submitted online must be in PDF, Word, or JPEG formats. Fine art may be taken to the Rose R. Thomas Writing Center in CWN 317 to be photographed or scanned. Students submitting their work to 老虎爪子 for publication consideration also grant permission to have their work published in an online digital format through the Bedford Bookshelf. 

抄袭:  在与 学生行为准则, 学术不诚实包括, 但不限于, “学术不端行为, 作弊, 剽窃, 制造, 和勾结.” Violations of Academic Integrity will not be tolerated. Students may be subject to grade and/or disciplinary penalties for academic dishonesty. All cases of plagiarism or other violations of Academic Integrity/Scholastic Honesty will be reported to the Vice President of Student Affairs. For additional information, refer to the Student Code of Conduct section on 违反学术诚信 在 St. 菲利普的大学 Student Handbook.

注:人工智能生成的image, 摄影, and writing are not currently accepted for publication consideration by 老虎爪子. Contact us (see 联系信息 at the bottom of the page) if you have any questions or concerns.



Students may also apply to be part of the editorial staff. 的 student editorial staff critiques all submissions, helps choose which submissions will be published, selects the cover art and design, pairs literary pieces with artwork and 摄影, 帮助设计布局, and assists with the 发布事件 at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Student editors may also be eligible to apply for a scholarship ($1000 for full-time or $500 for part-time students).

的 deadline to apply to be an editor is Sunday, September 22, 2024.


老虎爪子 赛格董事 & 教员/员工委员会

老虎爪子 SEG Co-directors: 杰米·米兰达 and 斯蒂芬妮·吉布森

Committee Members: San Juan San Miguel, Spencer Galvan, Ed O'Casey, and Dr. 玛丽Feldmeier.


At the end of the fall and spring semesters, published students will have an opportunity to present or display their work at the 老虎爪子 发布事件. All are invited to attend, and copies of the journal will be distributed. 的 Spring 2024 Publication Event will be held on May 1, 2024, 在 Sutton Learning Center (SLC)-Bowden Alumni Center, 313房间, 下午4:30至6:30.


查看以前版本的 老虎爪子 在线:

最好的 老虎爪子






MLK Clarence Windzell Norris (CWN) Building, Room 412.25
MLK Clarence Windzell Norris (CWN) Building, Room 412.19