Title III Grant Administration


标题III B部分授予 (per department of Education)

该计划为传统黑人学院和大学(HBCUs)提供财政援助,以建立或加强他们的物理工厂, 财务管理, 学术资源, and endowment-building capacity. 活动可能包括:

  • Student services; educational equipment acquisition; facility 改造 and construction; 教师 and 工作人员 development;
  • The establishment of a program of teacher education designed to qualify students to teach in public schools; the establishment of community outreach programs that will encourage elementary and secondary school students to develop the academic skills and the interest to pursue postsecondary education;
  • The acquisition of real property in connection with the construction, 改造, or addition to or improvement of campus facilities; education or financial information designed to improve the financial literacy and economic literacy of students;
  • 家庭, especially with regard to student indebtedness and student assistance programs under Title IV; and
  • 为实施拨款申请书中所述并已获批准的项目或活动所必需的服务, 提前, 由部门负责, except that not more than two percent of the grant amount may be used for this purpose.

Student 援助 and Fiscal Responsibility ACT (SAFRA)(按大会计算.gov) 

On September 17, 2009 the House of Representatives passed H. R. 3221 “The Student 援助 and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2099” (SAFRA). H.R. 3221法案为传统黑人学院和大学(HBCUs)和其他少数族裔服务机构(msi)提供2.55亿美元的强制性资金。.



St. 菲利普学院正在利用其第三章实施和运作七项活动,以支持和加强整个机构向学生提供的服务. The funds allocated under Title III are being used to support the following activities:

Activity I – Project Administration and 研究 Development – 该活动用于管理赠款,并与赠款资助的活动和工作人员一起工作,以确保资金按照管理第三章的规则和条例使用. 这项活动将确保学院为审计做好准备,以确保对项目服务和交易负责.

Activity II – Centers of Excellence in Mathematics and Science – This activity provides academic instruction in the STEM fields along with providing instruction in disciplines, which are underrepresented by Black Americans and other minority groups.

Activity III – Campus Renovation - This activity addresses the 改造 and improvement of existing classrooms, 实验室, and other instructional facilities, that will include the purchase of furniture, 夹具及设备.

Activity IV – 信息 and 通信技术 – 该活动旨在为未来五年的资助周期内的智能教室更换计划制定和建立标准,同时建立一个为学生提供服务的寻路系统, 教师, 工作人员, and the community real-time information via interactive displays and IoT devices. 建立和支持无纸化工作流程管理系统,并为SPC历史图片和视频创建档案存储解决方案.

Activity V – Institute for Teaching Excellence and Staff Development – This activity supports for 教师 exchanges, 教师发展, 和教师奖学金,以帮助获得高级学位在教学领域的教职员工.

Activity VI – Student Services – This activity supports strategies that address attrition; the activity is a multi-faceted and holistic approach to retention and graduation that has the potential of improving the overall quality of the student experience and increase student success. 像这样, SPC will continue to implement a model comprised of Transition Services, Retention and Graduation Services, Career and 转移 Services and Academic Success Programs to include financial literacy and tutoring. 这些服务的建立和扩展将为SPC提供一个更加无缝和有意的过程,以确保学生的成功.

Activity VII – Good Samaritan 退伍军人外展 and 过渡中心 (GSVOTC) – 这项活动解决了一个全方位服务外展中心的实施和运作,以解决退伍军人的需求和服务. 这项活动根据学院提供的服务,帮助退伍军人从军队服务过渡到平民生活. 服务将在一个中央一站式资源区为退伍军人及其家属提供,使他们能够获得教育和过渡服务,更好地为他们重新加入平民生活做好准备,并找到一个可持续的教育和培训领域.

Legislatively Allowable Activities

HBCUs (Strengthening Historically Black 大学 and Universities; Title III-Part B, Section 323) Legislative Allowable Activities:

  1. 购买, 租赁, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.
  2. 建设, 维护, 改造, and improvement in classrooms, 库, 实验室, and other instructional facilities, including purchase or 租赁 of telecommunications and technology equipment or services.
  3. 支持教师交流, 教师发展, and 教师 fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the field of instruction of the 教师.
  4. Academic instruction in disciplines in which Black Americans are underrepresented.
  5. 购买图书馆书籍, 期刊, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material.
  6. Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.
  7. 基金管理, 行政管理, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.
  8. Joint use of facilities, such as 实验室 and 库.
  9. 建立或改善发展办公室,以加强或改善校友和私营部门的贡献.
  10. 建立或加强教师教育计划,旨在使学生有资格在州内的公立小学或中学任教,该计划应包括, 作为这个项目的一部分, preparation for teacher certification.
  11. 建立社区外展计划,鼓励中小学生发展学术技能和追求高等教育的兴趣.
  12. 美国东部时间ablishing or improving an endowment fund.
  13. Acquisition of real property in connection with the construction, 改造, or addition to or improvement of campus facilities.
  14. 旨在提高学生或学生家庭的金融素养和经济素养的教育或金融信息, especially with regard to student indebtedness and student assistance programs under Title IV.
  15. 为实施拨款申请书中所述并已获批准的项目或活动所必需的服务, 提前, 局长, except that not more than two percent of the grant amount may be used for this purpose.


Title III Academic Program Director:
Dr. 托梅卡·克罗斯·威尔逊
MLK Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 310A
Dr. Tywain公司
MLK Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 319C
Administrative Services Specialist:
MLK Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 310